Bellsouth email shows different type of technical glitches. At some point it may stop working on the different devices. Some users are facing issue that their email is not working on their iPhone. This is very common issue and can be resolve by performing some simple steps.
The reason behind why is Bellsouth email not working can be many. The solution to fix this issue is mentioned below. Additionally, you can call on the Bellsouth email customer support in order to talk to the technical expert. The expert will resolve all your issues in no time.
Reason why Bellsouth email is not working on my iPhone?
May be your internet is not properly connected.
You are not entering the correct password.
Your iPhone is not connected.
Any server issue.
Fix the issue of Bellsouth email not working on iPhone with these steps
If you have come across the issue of Bellsouth email not working on your iPhone, then perform the steps that is provided below. These steps will help you out to fix this common issue. Have a look.
First of all, scroll on the main menu and select the “Settings” option.
Under the settings option, select the “Mail” option.
Then, go to the “Accounts” option to do some settings.
Choose your email id that you can access at the time of fixing this issue.
In the Accounts option, you will see the server information. This information will be related to your incoming and outgoing mails.
Now, re –check all the settings. Do any necessary setting if required.
So, these are the simplest procedure that you can perform in order to fix Bellsouth email not working issue. You can perform these steps anytime without any guidance. In case you think that you need assistance, then feel free to call on the Bellsouth email customer support where the experts will help you to fix your issue. You can call them anytime. They are available round the clock.